Common functions in managing your companies day to day compliance requirements.
- Deregistration Form 6010 - Invoice hasn't been received in CAS 360
- A company's BPay, BillPay and payment reference details not appearing in CAS 360
- A member from a joint member has passed away
- Address details have not been entered. Please add them in Contacts.
- Address for Business Address is missing the state field
- After adding a company through the ASIC website, how can we sync/download this company into CAS 360?
- Appointing a Registered Agent for a company
- Balance vs. Transaction Certificate Type
- Beneficial Ownership Explained
- Can I make changes to a form that I have already prepared but have not yet lodged?
- Cannot find transactions before or on this date
- Cannot notify ASIC of increase and decrease in holding on the same form
- Change of Address for this effective date already exists
- Change to Subscription transaction
- Changing the address of a joint member
- Company Contacts Explained
- Company Debt Alert
- Company showing ASIC debt incorrectly
- Comparison Reports. How do I compare company information between CAS 360 with ASIC?
- Could not import details - Could not find agent for
- Current and new address cannot be the same
- Current and new Registered Office Address cannot be the same
- Delays when importing companies from ASIC
- Director ID: What you need to know
- Does CAS 360 automatically import company information from ASIC?
- Duplicated contacts are not showing in Find Match screen
- Emailed Failed Status – Check the recipient’s address and resend
- Emails sent from CAS 360 are not being received
- Error: No Members On This Date
- Error: no officers on this date