I have added a company to CAS360 after the company's annual review date. How do we receive the annual review?
The RA71 Re Issue Company Statement can be used to have ASIC redeliver the annual review documents.
Generally, if Form 362 was lodged was after the annual review date, you will not be able to receive the annual review through EDGE onto CAS 360 (even if you request for a re-issue through an RA71). This is because ASIC will generally not issue an annual review through EDGE if you were not the registered agent at the time it was issued. In this case, you will have to contact ASIC in order to get the annual review sent outside of CAS 360.
CAS 360's Automatic RA71 lodgement. CAS 360 is designed to lodge an RA71 in the background when the annual review alert first goes red, and then every 7 days after. This should continue until the annual review date was longer than 60 days ago. Once the annual review date is greater than 60 days, the automatic lodgement of the RA71 will stop. Although CAS 360 will automatically lodge an RA71, it is still advised to take appropriate action to locate and retrieive the annual review documents |
Note - if you are no longer the registered agent for this company ASIC will not issue the Annual Statement to you.
IMPORTANT: There is an ASIC EDGE Mailbox limitation where a re-issue of an Annual Statement should be successfully lodged electronically, provided that:
- the original Annual Statement was dispatched within the last 2 months and,
- The original Annual Statement was dispatched to the same agent making the reprint request and,
- the original Annual Statement was dispatched electronically.
If any of the above criteria have not been met, the RA71 Re-Issue Company Statement will not work.
If the RA71 Re-Issue Company Statement does not work, your next course of action is to contact ASIC directly.
How to prepare an RA71
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select Prepare Agent Form |
Select Form RA71 - Request Electronic Data Download
Agent |
Select the ASIC Agent details. CAS 360 will automatically select the Agent from the General details screen (if one has been selected) |
Select Company | Select the Company(s) |
RA71 Type |
Select Re-issue Annual Statement |
The RA71 will now be lodged with ASIC. Once the lodgement is complete, users will receive a notification to confirm the lodgement. The annual review will now appear in the Annual Reviews screen.