Form 484 and Company Details
Please note that when preparing Form 484 with shareholder changes related to a company the form will take its information from the Global Contacts screen, not the General Details screen of a company.
If company details are incorrect such as the ABN or address in section C4, please review the contact for the company on this screen.
ASIC's Specification
ACN/ARBN must match to company name
ACN/ARBN does not match with company name
Various definitions:
V097 Name for this identifier must match registered name
V097 Indicates the company name in CAS does not match ASIC's database
V097 Co name needs to match ASIC's co name exactly
The company name input in CAS 360 does not exactly matching the company name on ASIC's database.
This applies to the company name itself or if the company is a member or ultimate holding company.
In CAS 360, the company name includes full stops for A.B.C. Pty Ltd but ASIC's database does not have the full stops ABC Pty Ltd.
Form(s) Affected
- 205
- 361
- 362
- 484
- 492
- 902
Form RA71 or Form RA61 can be lodged to check how the company's name has been recorded by ASIC
Use the ABN Lookup page to confirm the company name and ACN.
If the company is a member and acting as a trustee, 'ATF' (as trustee for) should not be included in the member's name. The 'ATF' should be removed from the member's name and a beneficial owner should be used instead.