Can I create a desktop shortcut for CAS 360?
Google Chrome
- Select the Three Dot icon to the right of the CAS 360 login URL.
- Select More Tools.
- Select Create Shortcut.
- Review the places where the application shortcut will be available (desktop, start menu, task bar). Untick any places you do not want a shortcut for CAS 360.
- Select Create.
Internet Explorer
- Head to the CAS 360 login page.
- Resize the IE window so you can see both the window and your desktop on the screen.
- Click on the icon to the left of the address bar.
- While still holding the mouse button down, move the pointer to the desktop then release the button. The CAS 360 shortcut will be added to the desktop.
- Head to the CAS 360 login page.
- Resize the Firefox window so you can see both the window and your desktop.
- Click on the icon to the left of the address bar.
- While still holding the mouse button down, move the pointer to the desktop then release the button. The CAS 360 shortcut will be added to the desktop.
Mac (Safari)
- Head to the CAS 360 login page.
- Select the entire address in the address bar at the top of the browser.
- Click and drag the address to the desktop. A shortcut will be created for the CAS 360 login page.