In CAS 360, Unitholders can be added to Unit Trusts.
A unitholder is a beneficiary and accepts units in a unit trust, in a similar fashion to a shareholder accepting shares in a company.
From the Main toolbar navigate to Trust
To create trust, see adding a trust for more information.
How to Add Unitholders
From the Trust Selection screen, search and select the Unit Trust.
Select the Unitholders tab and select
CAS 360 is able to produce documents for a number of Unitholder changes such as:
- Allotments
- Initial
- Unitholders' Balances
- Unit Transfers
- Cancellations
- Redemptions
- Change to Beneficial Ownership
- Changes to Amounts Paid
- Subdivisions
- Consolidation
- Conversions
- Return of Capital
- Buy Backs.
Forms Prepared
CAS 360 will display the Document Production screen where the following documents can be prepared:
- Unit Certificate
- Register of Unitholders
- Trustee Meeting Minute/Resolution
- Application for Units
- Unit Transfer Form
- Unitholders Minutes or Resolutions