The company buys back shares from it's shareholders at an agreed value.
There are 8 different types of share buy backs handled by CAS 360. These are as follows:
- Employee share scheme within 10/12 limit
- Employee share scheme over 10/12 limit
- On-Market within 10/12 limit
- On-Market over 10/12 limit
- Equal Access Scheme within 10/12 limit
- Equal Access Scheme over 10/12 limit
- Selective Buy-Back
- Minimum Holding
What is the 10/12 limit?
The company buying back 10% of their issued share capital within a 12 month period. The buy back rules differ for companies that are buying back more than 10% in a 12 month period from those that are buying back less than 10% in 12 months.
Lodgement Process for a Share Buyback
Lodging ASIC forms for a share buyback is different to other company changes. Here is a basic guideline to lodging a share buyback:
- The form 280 must be lodged to ASIC first (The form 280 may also include the form 281 depending on the share buyback type. See forms prepared section) These forms will state the intention to buyback shares. These are manual form so it cannot be electronically sent. This must be lodged at least 14 days before the buy back is to occur. These forms advises ASIC that the company is offering to buyback shares to some or all shareholders.
- If the shareholders choose to exercise the buyback, the form 484 must be lodged to advise ASIC of the company change. This form will confirm that the buyback has occurred. This must be lodged at least 14 days after the form 280 (and Form 281) had been lodged and accepted. If the shareholders have not decided to exercise the buyback offer, no forms are required to be lodged.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select Shareholders |
Select Share Buy Backs
CAS 360 will display the Buy Backs screen.
Transaction Date
Input the date the Buy Back will occur |
Shareholder |
In the shareholder field, CAS 360 will display a list of the company's current shareholders |
Beneficial Owner | CAS 360 will automatically prefil this field if there is a beneficial owner. |
Share Type
In the Share type field, CAS 360 will display a list of the share types the shareholder holds |
Number of shares
Input the relevant number of shares effected |
Buy back Amount Per Share
Amount paid to the shareholder for each share bought back |
Buy Back Type
Select the appropriate buy back type (See below for more information) |
Proposed date for buy-back agreement to be entered into | Enter the date the buy back was proposed. This must be dated before the transaction date |
Meeting Status | Select the meeting status of the member which will appear on the Resolutions. |
Notes | Click | to add extra notes to appear on the Register of Members
Buy back type
Share buy-backs are subject to many different rules and requirements under the Corporations Act. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek legal assistance before completing any share buy-backs. Below is an overview of the share buy-back provisions.
There are five basic types of share buy-backs:
- equal access
- selective buy-backs
- employee share scheme
- on-market buybacks
- minimum holding (previously called "odd lot").
Within those types, different rules also apply between share buy-backs the 10/12 limit, and is laid down in subsections 257B(4) and 257B(5) of the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act). The requirements for share buy-backs within the 10/12 limits are less onerous than those over that limit.
Forms Prepared
CAS 360 will display the Document Production screen and automatically select the documents required.
Each buy back type has differing document requirements. These documents required for each buy back type and the order of preparation and lodgement are as follows: