To notify a change to:
- A registered office in Australia
- Office hours in Australia or
- Foreign address
of a registered foreign company or registered Australian body.
This form must not be used to change details of an Australian company.
Form Instructions
To prepare the form, firstly ensure that the company type from the General Details Screen has been set to Foreign or Registrable Body.
To review navigate:
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select General Details |
This Company Type should be set to Foreign or Registrable Body.
When Foreign has been selected, the Foreign Registration Country and the Foreign Registration Date will need to be entered into CAS 360.
Form 489
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select Addresses |
Select Registered Office Address.
CAS 360 will display the Registered Office Address screen.
Field | Explanation |
New Address |
In the New Address field, begin typing the new Address. CAS 360 will begin searching the Global Address screen for the Address. If the Address has not been previously added to the Global addresses screen, will appear. Click to add a new Address. |
Effective Date | The date of the address change |
Is the premises occupied by someone other than the company? | Select if the company does not occupy the address. The name of the occupier must be entered. |
Click and to generate the Form 489.
CAS 360 allows you to prepare documents and then notify ASIC through electronic lodgement via the Documents Screen. For more information on how to do so, click here.