Having trouble getting the ASIC invoice paid?
Delayed or missed invoices are a common frustration, and are often a result of the invoice being "lost in the mail".
CAS 360 has tackled this frustration with its newest update, allowing users to send the ASIC invoice in a separate email, giving it the special attention it needs.
This feature is an extension to the Document Production screen for Annual Reviews in CAS 360.
Step 1: Prepare the Annual Review in CAS 360. For more information, refer to Annual Reviews.
Step 2: Ensure the ASIC Invoice document is toggled ON.
Step 3: In Document Production, flag "Send Invoice in separate email?".
Step 4: Enter the recipient(s) to send the invoice too (more than one can be selected). By default, the billing contact will automatically be populated. The billing contact can be entered in the General Details of a company.
Step 5: Select .
The Annual Review documents will be sent to your clients, with the Annual Review invoice sent separately to the specified email addresses.
To preview the email template for the separate Annual Review invoice, refer to the Annual Review Invoice Email Template under Settings | Email Templates.