Lodge Documents to ASIC
From the Main Toolbar, go to Documents |
Documents that are enabled to be lodged electronically via CAS 360, the Lodge button will appear.
To lodge a document to ASIC, simply click:
A confirmation message will display to ensure users are not accidentally lodging the incorrect ASIC forms.
Users can proceed with the lodgement by clicking or abort the lodgement by clicking .
The confirmation message will also notify the user if any late fees will apply to the lodged form
Once the button is clicked, the button will change to Pending.
The button will change to Awaiting ASIC validation for documents which the transmission report has been saved in the document screen, but CAS 360 is still waiting for the validation report from ASIC.
Once the lodgement is complete the lodge button will disappear and a Notification will confirm the lodgement.
Forms older than 6 months cannot be lodged electronically and would need to be lodged by paper.