Password Rules
To ensure the protection of your critical data, BGL requires passwords to meet certain complexity requirements. The minimum requirements for passwords are:
- Your password must have at least 10 characters (letters, numbers, or special characters)
- Your password must contain at least one lowercase letter (a-z)
- Your password must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- Your password must contain at least one number (0-9)
- Although not mandatory it is recommended that your password contain at least 1 special character (" !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~")
Unsafe Passwords
When setting a password BGL will a stop user from using a password which is unsafe e.g. has been compromised in a known data breach.
A security best practice is to never use the same username and password in different systems. If an attacker is able to obtain user credentials through a breach of one system, they could use those user credentials to access other systems.
Click Here to check if you have an account, email address or password that has been compromised in a data breach.
Password Security
BGL encrypt all data that goes between you and CAS 360 using industry-standard TLS (Transport Layer Security).
Passwords are protected in storage as they are not stored in plain text and have cryptographically strong credential-specific salt applied.
If you have forgotten your Password
The reset password process will involve an authentication code sent to your mobile via SMS, or email where no valid mobile number exists for the user.
- Head to the BGL 360 login page and select Forgot your password
- You will be directed to the Forgot your password? screen. Enter your Email before clicking Request Verification Code button.
- A 'Reset Password' verification code will be sent to you via SMS if a verified phone number exists. If no verified phone number exists, the code will be sent to your email.