The CAS 360 Global Documents screen allows users to view all documents for all companies from one central location.
At first glance, users will be able to:
- Immediately identify and group documents that are due for lodgement
- Identify the potential late fee penalty that may apply
- Check the internal trace number CAS 360 has given for the document
- View the number of company changes contained in a set of documents
- Review the document status.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Documents |
Document Screen Search Box
Advanced Filters
Use the Advanced Filter button to filter documents by specific companies, trusts, agents, and more.
For more information, see the Documents - Advanced Filters article.
Export Document List (.CSV)
Export a list of all documents in the Global Documents screen by selecting on top of the screen.
Select Export Document List (.CSV) orExport Filtered Document List (.csv)
Export Document List generates a list with all documents on the Documents screen.
Export Filtered Document List only generates a list with documents that match the entered Filter criteria.
This will export relevant documents to a .csv file with the following information:
- Company/Trust Name
- Company Number
- Document Type
- Document Custom Name
- Trace Number
- Status
- Status Date
- Last Updated by
Upload Documents
Users are able to upload their own documents and save them into CAS 360.
To upload a document, select
The Upload Document screen will display.
Attach documents to existing Company |
Select to upload the documents for the selected company.You will then need to select a company. |
Attach documents to existing Trust |
Select to upload documents for the selected trust.You will then need to select a trust. |
Document Name | Input a name for the document or document pack. |
Document Status | Select a status from the list. |
Status Date | Input the date for the status. |
Document Date | Input the date for the document. |

Press and hold the CRTL key on your keyboard and click on the files to select multiple documents at a time.
Select Save to upload the selected documents. |
Select Cancel to exit out the screen without saving. |
Changes Summary
Under the Changes column, users are able to quickly identify the number of changes contained in the set of documents. Users can hover over the changes to instantly view the details of the Company changes.
For documents that are enabled to be lodged electronically via CAS 360, the Lodge button will display.
To lodge a document to ASIC, simply select:
SMS Messages
The View SMS icon will allow users to view and reply to SMS messages sent via CAS 360 If multiple recipients were selected for the SMS reminder, users can flip between the correspondences of the different recipients.
Quick Status Change
Users are able to quickly and easily change the status of a document.
Click on the Document status field to change the document to a new status.
to accept changes or to ignore changes.
Document Options
besides a document, provides users with a number of functions to manage company documents. These options are explained in more detail below:
The Edit option will display the Edit Document Details screen.
Field | Explanation |
Date of Document |
Date the document was originally generated. Note: Changing this date will not change the date on the document PDFs |
Document Status |
Change status to help manage documents by indicating what stage the document is at. When documents are generated, the status will automatically be set to Document Prepared. Once a document is lodged, the status will automatically change to Lodged. When an Annual Company Statement is received, the status of Form 480 will automatically be set to Document Received and once the Annual Review is processed, the status will change to Document Processed. |
Latest Status Date
The date the current Document Status was selected. |
ASIC Lodgement Fee
Any fee associated with the document. CAS 360 will automatically calculate the lodgement fee, including late lodgement penalties where the form was lodged late. |
ASIC DocImage Number |
The DOCIMAGE system is ASIC's database which contains all documents received by ASIC which are scanned and retained in an electronic form. Each document lodged with ASIC is given a DOCIMAGE Number. If documents are lodged electronically, CAS 360 records these numbers in the Documents Screen |

The Attachments option allows users to view all the documents generated for the company change. This may include the ASIC form, Director/Members meeting minutes, resolutions, and share certificates.
Users are also able to upload external files to CAS 360 to attach to the company. Files may include client letters or other supporting documents.

To view the attachments, hover your mouse over the document.
Icon | Explanation |
Delete an attachment. Attachments generated by CAS 360 or migrated from CAS desktop cannot be deleted. | |
Download a copy of the attachment to your computer | |
Preview the document |

Allows users to add new comments or view existing comments attached to a document.
will appear beside documents with a comment. Users can hover over this icon to quickly view the comments made on documents.

Allows users to void a Digital Signing document from within CAS 360, to prevent the recipients of the document from signing.
This option only applies for documents under the filter/status Electronic Signing - Sent to Client.

Document Alerts Filters
The Documents screen also has a number of filters allowing users to easily see documents that need action. These filters include:
Document Alert Filters
All Documents | Display all documents in the documents screen |
Overdue Documents | Show documents that are now late and where the late fee will apply |
Due for Lodgement in 7 Days |
Show documents which have within 7 days to be lodged before the late fee applies |
Due for Lodgement within 14 days |
Show documents which have within 14 days to be lodged before the late fee applies |
Documents to be Lodged | Shows documents that have the | button available, and can be lodged directly from CAS 360.
Documents Lodged |
Show only documents that have already been lodged |
Annual Review/Return |
Show only Annual Return documents |
Electronic Signing - Signed by client |
Show only documents that have been signed by clients using Digital Signing. |
Electronic Signing - Signed, not lodged |
Show only documents that have been signed by clients using Digital Signing but have not been lodged. |
Annual Reviews | Show only Annual Review documents in the documents screen. |
Awaiting Signature Filter
Incomplete Annual Review |
Annual review documents which are using the Track the annual review via the document deadline alert feature. |
Sent to clients still require signing |
Documents that have been Sent to clients. |
Electronic Signing - Sent to Clients |
Documents sent to clients to be signed with Digital Signing. |
Amend Documents
To amend a prepared but not yet lodged document, please refer to How to Edit and Reprepare a Company Change.