CAS 360 promotes a zero-touch experience by automatically lodging a Daily Debt Report. Each morning CAS 360 will automatically lodge an RA67 and receive an RA68 from ASIC.
Companies with outstanding debts will activate the debt alert in the company selection screen. This alert will notify the agent of any outstanding debt across all your companies.
If you have made a payment and it is still showing as outstanding, please check the below table for more information on payment processing times by ASIC.
ASIC Payment Processing Time
The below table shows when payments made by BPAY, EFT, Direct Debit, etc will appear on accounts. This is subject to bank file issues, that can and do occur, which can cause delays in payment allocation to accounts.
Cheque payments are cashiered onto accounts within 3 business days of receiving the cheque - timing can vary if cheque delivery to ASIC is slowed by any reason.