Once the Company is selected, the first screen users will see is the General Details screen. This screen contains basic company details such as the Registered Agent, important dates, the Company Status, Type, Class and Sub Class.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select General Details |
Company Info
Field | Explanation |
Company Name | Name of the Company |
ACN | Australian Company Number (ACN). It is a unique nine-digit number issued by ASIC to every company registered under the Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001. |
Corporate Key
This number is provided by ASIC and it will appear on the Annual Company Statement. It will be required on documents that are lodged on paper. If you are unsure of the corporate key, you can prepare and lodge the RA71, requesting a company statement. See ASIC Website for more information. |
Registered Agent
A Registered Agent acts as an intermediary between an Australian company and ASIC to help the company meet their lodgement obligations more efficiently. To add an agent into CAS360, click here. Select Prepare Forms to prepare Form 362. |
Company Contacts
to select company contacts.The following company contacts can be added:
Contact | Usage |
Signing Contact |
This will be used as the default recipient for documents requiring a signature. Important Note: If digital signing is enabled, the Signing Contact field will not be used by default, as the digital signing process determines the recipient independently. |
Company Contact |
This is used to store the contact information for your company's point of contact. |
Billing Contact |
This will be used as the default recipient for all billing related information such as sending Debt Reminders and ASIC invoices. |
Partner |
Select the Partner. |
Manager | Select the Manager. |
You are able to update these contacts in the Document Production screen and when sending Alerts.
Company Dates
Field | Explanation |
Incorporation Date | Date the company was incorporated |
Annual Review Date | Every company has an annual review date, usually the anniversary of its registration date. Around the annual review date ASIC issue each registered company with an annual statement and an invoice statement for the company’s annual review fee. |
Financial Year End Date | Date of the end of the financial year for the company |
Next AGM Date | Date of the next Annual General Meeting |
Last AGM Date | Date of the last Annual General Meeting |
Constitution issued date | Date Company Constitution was issued |
Constitution Updated date | Date Company Constitution was updated |
Company Status
Field | Explanation |
Status | Select between Operating, Deregistered, Pending deregistration or Dormant. To prepare forms for a Deregistration, click here. |
Status date | Initial date of the current Status. |
Company Type | Types of companies include Small Proprietary, Large Proprietary, Public Company, Registrable Body and Foreign. |
Company Class | Your selection here is dependent upon the type of company being loaded into CAS 360. |
Type Date | This is the date the company became the above company type. CAS 360 will default the incorporation date. If the class of company has changed since incorporation, input the date it last changed. |
Company Sub Class |
Your selection here is dependent upon the sub class of the company being loaded into CAS 360. To change Company class, see Commence as Special Purpose Company. |
State | Select the Company's Jurisdiction/State. |
ASIC Forms
The following Changes and forms can be prepared via the General Details screen: